Caitlin Mullin

Caitlin Mullin

Caitlin Mullin received a MA in Ethnomusicology from Columbia University under the mentorship of Margaret Mead. Her research focus was on uses of music to change psychological states in ritual. After a career in music she became a psychotherapist with a focus on dreams and the treatment of trauma utilizing various modalities including clinical hypnosis. At UCLA she furthered her cross-cultural inquiry into cultural prescriptions for the management of emotion, often presenting to clinicians both cultural and accepted clinical approaches for the management of emotional states such as anxiety and anger. For her PhD at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality she made 4 films on the cultural threads that contribute to the vulnerability of women to AIDS in South Africa. In the past decade, besides her clinical practice, she has made both websites and videos for organizations such as the medical NGO Theta in Uganda, the African Community Refuge Center and various shelters and NGOs in the Los Angeles and New Hampshire areas.