Ethics and Voyeurism

During our trip to Bali, I was considering both visual ethnography and documentary. Specifically, I was wondering when and how are they forms of voyeurism? At what point do they become voyeuristic?

As filmmakers, we are always looking to capture “drama,” which usually includes people in emotional situations. But what does a viewer do with this information if they cannot help alleviating the suffering they see portrayed? 
Does a viewer in this passive situation become a voyeur?
If so, is it necessary for a film that shows suffering to also instigate an action or activism to change the situation?
Alessandra Pasquino

Alessandra Pasquino has produced broadcast commercials, documentaries and special projects for over 10 years. She has collaborated with many filmmakers and artists including: Oliver Stone, Wayne Wang, Klaus Kinski, Gregory Colbert, Leonardo Di Caprio, Pietro Scalia and Matthew Rolston. She is currently a freelance documentary producer and independent filmmaker. Her video installations and still photography have been featured in the "New Contemporaries Show" at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London. She is currently developing documentary projects both with Elemental Productions and independently.

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